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Re: Two questions

Phil Pennock <comet@xxxxxxxx> typed:
:I'm not a key developer,

Who are these ``key developer''s?  We just have
1) a bunch of general users submitting changes, releasing them on the
   (unsuspecting *) beta testers, then sending patches to fix the
2) a coordinator (or, as now, pro tem. coordinator) who somehow gets all
   those patches which look/sound/feel OK to not collide.

(* unsuspecting if you're naive :-) )

:feel free to tell me to get lost or whatever.

Geoff Wing   <gcw@xxxxxxxxx>            Mobile : (Australia) 0412 162 441
Work URL: http://www.primenet.com.au/   Ego URL: http://pobox.com/~gcw/

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