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RE: PATCH: old lists compstate

> I've added a small example completer function `_menu' that may be put
> before the normal `_complete' completer and that gives menucompletion
> implemented fully in shell code (note that this does not work together
> with normal menucompletion).

bor@itsrm2:~%> compconf
correct_accept            2n
match_original            yes
completer                 _complete:_match
dumpfile                  /home/bor/.zsh.d/Completion/Core/compinit.dump
correct_prompt            correct to:
bor@itsrm2:~%> l /t/s/gl/co<TAB>
bor@itsrm2:~%> l /tools/src/glib-1.<TAB>/config
bor@itsrm2:~%> l /tools/src/glib-1.<TAB>/config
glib-1.1.15/  glib-1.2.0/
bor@itsrm2:~%> l /tools/src/glib-1.1.15<CURSOR>/config
glib-1.1.15/  glib-1.2.0/

that is O.K., but

bor@itsrm2:~%>  compconf completer=_menu:_complete:_match
bor@itsrm2:~%> l /t/s/gl/co<TAB>
bor@itsrm2:~%> l /tools/src/glib-1.1.15/config.cache <CURSOR>
glib-1.1.15/  glib-1.2.0/

BTW to the first example. I have these options:

noautolist            off
bashautolist          off
nolistambiguous       off

but list is shown only after the second TAB (as if bashautolist was set).
I'd expect, that with autolist+listambiguous list were shown after the first
TAB already. Actually, I think, it started with bashautolist option ... but
as I used menu completion before ... :-)

And about compconf ... exaclty in the case above I missed something like

compconf -i _list completer (meaning insert _list to the element completer)
or, at least,

compconf completer=_list:$(compconf -l completer)

or like. I mean, user probably should not see this array at all ...



P.S. The same with zsh -f; fpath=(....); source ...; compconf
completer=_menu:_complete:_match  But I get additional beep (I set nobeep
normally).  And here list is shown immediately with the same options as
above. wonders ...

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