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yet another undesired 3.1.5-pws-15 change


#cd $la[tab] gives me

# cd $lapps[spacehere][cursor here]


#cd $la[tab] gives me
#cd $lapps/[cursor here]

how can I get the 3.1.4 behavior back?


ps -- there seem to be a LOT of these types of changes in 3.1.5.... I wish  
there were more consideration given to keeping things consistent for those  
who upgrade... changing the way things behave and making the user reconfigure  
everything is not a good thing... I've gotten used to the way ZSH works, and  
then it goes and changes.  My only real option then is to stick with an  
older version and lose out on the new features which aren't available.  This  
is the wrong way to proceed.  I think PINE has the right idea: add options,  
but make the user select to use them (they tried to change a lot in PINE4 and  
the users revolted, and they soon put back in the previous functionality).

Since I haven't been on the workers list, maybe I have missed the rationale  
here: What is the reason behind changing these behaviors?

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