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XTerm WaitForMap resource

It appears that Zsh-3.0.6 has fixed a bug I noticed in zsh-3.0.5 whereby 
if the zsh exec'd before the xterm (nxterm in my case) mapped, it would
get confused:

echo "NXTerm*WaitForMap: false" | xrdb -merge
xterm -e zsh-3.0.5

The new xterm would come up with any of a number of errors when
executing some of the pipelines (involving awk, sed) in my .zshrc.


gawk: cmd. line:1: (FILENAME=- FNR=37) warning: error writing standard
output (Broken pipe)
/home/gjb/bin/share/path-remove-duplicates script failed; PATH may be
longer than needed
gawk: cmd. line:1: (FILENAME=- FNR=2) warning: error writing standard
output (Broken pipe)

I'm curious if anyone remembers fixing this problem and can explain what 
was going wrong and what the fix was.


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