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zle_keymap and vt100

Is there some reason these are hardcoded ANSI/VT100 codes
instead of values from terminfo/termcap?

    /* emacs mode: arrow keys */
    bindkey(emap, "\33[A",  refthingy(t_uplineorhistory), NULL);
    bindkey(emap, "\33[B",  refthingy(t_downlineorhistory), NULL);
    bindkey(emap, "\33[C",  refthingy(t_forwardchar), NULL);
    bindkey(emap, "\33[D",  refthingy(t_backwardchar), NULL);
    bindkey(emap, "\33OA",  refthingy(t_uplineorhistory), NULL);
    bindkey(emap, "\33OB",  refthingy(t_downlineorhistory), NULL);
    bindkey(emap, "\33OC",  refthingy(t_forwardchar), NULL);
    bindkey(emap, "\33OD",  refthingy(t_backwardchar), NULL);

If so, how about adding

    bindkey(emap, "\33OH",  refthingy(t_beginningofline), NULL);
    bindkey(emap, "\33OF",  refthingy(t_endofline), NULL);

If not, how about the same functionality dynamically?

P.S. I singled out emap arbitrarily, not to exclude amap.

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