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Parameter expansion oddity in 3.1.5-pws-20

zagzig% x="$(<config.h)"
zagzig% y=( ${(f)"$(<config.h)"} )
zagzig% echo $#y
zagzig% z=( ${(f)"${x}"} )
zagzig% echo $#z

So far so good.

zagzig% z=( ${(f)"$x"} )
zagzig% echo $#z
zagzig% echo $z

Eh?  Where did THAT come from?  Oh, 8679 is $$, so that latter is being
parsed as ${(f)$} ... the x is ignored.  That was sort of understandable
when you couldn't use quotes there, but with the quotes it's confusing.

Bart Schaefer                                 Brass Lantern Enterprises
http://www.well.com/user/barts              http://www.brasslantern.com

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