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pws-20: new completion problem after ``for''

bor@itsrm2:/tools/src/zsh-3.1.5-pws-20%> for i in /a/p/u/z/p/*20<TAB>
bor@itsrm2:/tools/src/zsh-3.1.5-pws-20%> for i in /a/p/u/z/p/*20zsh:
permission denied:
zsh: permission denied:
rchive  ub/unix/zsh/patches/

bor@itsrm2:/tools/src/zsh-3.1.5-pws-20%> cd /a/p/u/z/p/*20<TAB>
bor@itsrm2:/tools/src/zsh-3.1.5-pws-20%> cd

This is pws-20 with patches till 6433 and new completion (Core, Base,
Builtin + _configure).

With virgine Zsh I get

bor@itsrm2:/tools/src/zsh-3.1.5-pws-20%> zsh -f
itsrm2% fpath=(Completion/)
itsrm2% fpath=($PWD/Completion/*)
itsrm2% source Completion/Core/compinit
itsrm2% for i in /a/p/u/z/p/*20<TAB>
itsrm2% for i in /a/p/u/z/p/*20zsh: permission denied:


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