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Re: LFS and explicit LIBS RE: pws-21

"Andrej Borsenkow" wrote:
> Now, that I finally got a debugger for  my system (DBX), I decided to
> compile Zsh with debugging. To fully utilize DBX it is very advisable to
> link -lg into executable. Unfortunately, doing so disables LFS :-(

It's just an automated test for the unsophisticated.  Once you know what
the flags are, you can get exactly the same effect by adding them directly
to CFLAGS, just so long as you specify --enable-lfs so that all the tests
for sizes of integers are turned on.  I do this all the time (the default
--zsh-debug flags don't include -O which I always add).

> May be, for items, that are empty (LFS_CFLAGS, LFS_LDFLAGS etc) we
> should not disable LFS?

Yes, that's a possibility.

Peter Stephenson <pws@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>       Tel: +39 050 844536
WWW:  http://www.ifh.de/~pws/
Dipartimento di Fisica, Via Buonarroti 2, 56127 Pisa, Italy

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