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Re: PATCH: Re: Completion and global aliases

"Andrej Borsenkow" wrote:
> As it seems, the possibilities are:
>  - predefine compinit as autoloaded function if --enable-fndir is specified
>  - create a builtin that will source compinit
>  - provide COMPINIT (or eqv) parameter (read-only) to hold the full pathname
> of compinit. That is probably the least evil.

I don't see that it's that hard to tell a user `add the following to your
.zshrc', or have it in /etc/zshrc, or let them run compinstall.  Maybe the
manual could provide a simple one-line suggestion, though, for anyone not
wanting to run compinstall  --- possibly the manual could be altered to
contain the real location of compinit, but that will require more remaking
than seems a good idea.

> In any case, if compinit remains sourced script, I would suggest moving it
> away from $fpath (e.g. in ${datadir}/zsh). How many users have 'autoload
> $^fpath/*(:t)' as suggested by readme? It is probably not nice having
> something else as functions in $fpath.

(Autoloading everything in $fpath could conflict with Bart's `autoload -U'
suggestion --- although I presume that first autoloading without -U, then
with, will add the NOALIASES flag.)  This complicates installation,
however, and Oliver was suggesting he'd prefer the directory structure
retained.  I haven't worked out a simple way of doing all this.

> And related - placement of dump file. Again, now, when most completion
> functions are installed in system-wide location - what is the reason to try
> put dump file in the same dir as compinit? Why not simply dump it in $HOME
> by default? I mean, that check will probably fail in 99% of all
> installations.

Yes, it may be too heavily biassed towards people developing rather than
using the system.

I don't know when I'll get a chance to look at this, I have about 50
different things to do at once, so if someone has a way of simplifying all
this so much the better.

Peter Stephenson <pws@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>       Tel: +39 050 844536
WWW:  http://www.ifh.de/~pws/
Dipartimento di Fisica, Via Buonarroti 2, 56127 Pisa, Italy

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