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Peter Stephenson wrote:

> One problem remains with the $NUMERIC mechanism:  there's no way of
> differentiating between the case where the prefix was given as 1 and where
> no prefix was given.  This is already noticeable in the completion code for
> specifying numbers of correction.  Possibilities are either a separate
> parameter, which is clumsy, or altering NUMERIC in some way:  I would
> prefer that it is still numerically 1 in either case to avoid confusing
> functions, but maybe it could be '+1' if the prefix wasn't set.  That would
> mean making it a string instead of an integer parameter.

I wouldn't like it to be such a string because we can't easily get at
the default value then. How about leaving it unset if no numeric
argument is given? To be able to say ${NUMERIC:-1}.
(I had this idea some time ago but then forgot to ask...)


Sven Wischnowsky                         wischnow@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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