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compctl -l with non-empty argument.

Z(2):akr@is27e1u11% zsh-3.1.5-pws-22 -f
is27e1u11% compctl -k '(a b c)' aaa
is27e1u11% compctl -l aaa bbb
is27e1u11% compctl -L
compctl -k '(a b c)' aaa
compctl -l aaa bbb
compctl -C -c -tn
compctl -D -f -tn
compctl -T
is27e1u11% bbb <TAB><TAB>

After first <TAB>, I get completion candidates "a", "b" and "c"
successfully. But after second <TAB>, I get no completion instead of
"a" generating by automenu.

After above operation, compctl -L print follows.

is27e1u11% compctl -L
compctl -k '(a b c)' aaa
compctl -l bbb bbb
compctl -C -c -tn
compctl -D -f -tn
compctl -T

Hmm. Argument for -l is replaced...
Tanaka Akira

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