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Re: PATCH: New completions

Tanaka Akira wrote:
> This uses "." as a separator between owner and group for chown.
> But SunOS 5.x uses ":" instead of ".".

> +    case $OSTYPE in
> +      solaris*) compgen -u -S ':' -q;;

Does SunOS return solaris in $OSTYPE then - that's suprising. HP/UX also
uses a ':' so should be added to the pattern. I don't have access to it any
more so can't tell you what it gives in $OSTYPE. I'd suggest using an if
then else instead of the case statement as I've never seen a chown using
anything other than . or :.

> Hm. FreeBSD supports "." in addition to ":" even though chown(8)
> doesn't explain.

Linux does aswell.

Oliver Kiddle

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