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Re: pws-23

"Bart Schaefer" wrote:
> There seems to be a problem in this tar file with Completion/Base/_first --
> to wit, it's a fragment of Completion/Base/_subscript, and the entire
> previous contents of _first (which was nothing but a long comment) have
> disappeared.

Somehow applying a patch has done for it.  This is how I think it should
look after 6685.

#compdef -first-

# This function is called at the very beginning before any other
# function for a specific context.
# This just gives some examples of things you might want to do here.
# If you use the vared builtin and want completion in there to act the 
# way completion on the right hand side of assignments is done, add
# (or un-comment) this code:
#     if [[ -n $compstate[vared] ]]; then
#       if [[ $compstate[vared] = *\[* ]]; then
#         # vared on an array-element
#         compstate[parameter]=${compstate[vared]%%\[*}
#         compstate[context]=value
#       else
#         # vared on a parameter, let's see if it is an array
#         compstate[parameter]=$compstate[vared]
#         if [[ ${(tP)compstate[vared]} = *(array|assoc)* ]]; then
#           compstate[context]=array_value
#         else
#           compstate[context]=value
#         fi
#       fi
#       return
#     fi
# Other things you can do here is to complete different things if the
# word on the line matches a certain pattern. This example allows
# completion of words from the history by adding two commas at the end 
# and hitting TAB.
#     if [[ "$PREFIX" = *,, ]]; then
#       local max i=1
#       PREFIX="$PREFIX[1,-2]"
#       # If a numeric prefix is given, we use it as the number of
#       # lines (multiplied by ten below) in the history to search.
#       if [[ ${NUMERIC:-1} -gt 1 ]]; then
#         max=$NUMERIC
#         unset NUMERIC
#       else
#         # The default is to search the last 100 lines.
#         max=10
#       fi
#       # We first search in the last ten lines, then in the last
#       # twenty lines, and so on...
#       while [[ i -le max ]]; do
#         if compgen -X "%Bhistory ($n):%b" -Q -H $(( i*10 )) ''; then
#           # We have found at least one matching word, so we switch
#           # on menu-completion and make sure that no other
#           # completion function is called by setting _comp_skip.
#           compstate[insert]=menu
#           _comp_skip=1
#           return
#         fi
#         (( i++ ))
#       done
#     fi

Peter Stephenson <pws@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>       Tel: +39 050 844536
WWW:  http://www.ifh.de/~pws/
Dipartimento di Fisica, Via Buonarroti 2, 56127 Pisa, Italy

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