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PATCH: make distclean

Am I the only one, or can't you get it to work either? When I try
`make distclean' make complains about `@make' being unknown -- there
seems to be a misplaced `@'. And when I try `./configure; make distclean' 
it doesn't work because in the Src directory this need the file
modules.index but it doesn't have a dependency for it.

Am I missing something?


--- Src/Makefile.in.old	Mon Jun 28 22:39:41 1999
+++ Src/Makefile.in	Mon Jun 28 22:40:05 1999
@@ -206,9 +206,9 @@
 realclean: realclean-modules
 # Don't remake Makemod just to delete things, even if it doesn't exist.
-mostlyclean-modules clean-modules distclean-modules realclean-modules:
+mostlyclean-modules clean-modules distclean-modules realclean-modules: modules.index
 	if test -f Makemod; then \
-	  @$(MAKE) -f Makemod $(MAKEDEFS) `echo $@ | sed 's/-modules//'`; \
+	  $(MAKE) -f Makemod $(MAKEDEFS) `echo $@ | sed 's/-modules//'`; \
 	fi; \
 	exit 0

Sven Wischnowsky                         wischnow@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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