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new menu selection and Re: New compinstall and bindkey

I've now looked at the new selection for menu completion. Firstly,
thanks Sven: it's great. There is one thing I don't like. When I move
the cursors to highlight the string I want to complete to and press
return, the highlighting is removed but menu-completion continues so if
I press tab again, it cycles through the selections as opposed to
accepting my selection and going on to complete whatever is next.
I also have problems with an aixterm where the next item on the left is
highlighted in addition to the one on the right in some circumstances.

Andrej Borsenkow wrote:

> The reason I  didn't like sourcing compinit was that I hate to have any
> dependencies on local installation place. Making it autoloaded function makes it
> invariant:

That makes more sense now - thanks.

> Hmmm ... in command line editing multiline input I can insert new line by
> pressing ^V^J.

Thanks, bindkey -s "^[[100q" "^V^J" works very nicely.

Oliver Kiddle

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