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Problem with cursor position after wrapped completion lists

The completion lists (as generated from the -Y option) don't work very
well when lines wrap at the end of the line:

cd ~+<tab>

If the list then contains lots of stupidly long pathnames some of which
wrap at the end of the terminal. For example:

The cursor is then placed a couple of lines below where it should be
because the wrapping has caused it to be lower than zsh thinks it is.

I suppose the only way of fixing this is by controlling the wrapping
directly from zsh unless there is a way of knowing how the terminal is
dealing with lines wider than the terminal (wrapping or truncating

Note that I am not to blame for the directory structure we have here
and that I could solve the problem for myself by modifying _tilde to
compact the directory's names to use references to various associative
arrays and variables which I have: so don't bother suggesting that I
use a few 'hash -d's or shorter directory names.

Oliver Kiddle

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