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Re: Problem with cursor position after wrapped completion lists

Sven Wischnowsky wrote:
> Err, this works for me -- of course the completion code takes care to
> count the lines (including wrapping) correctly. However, this will

I tried it again and it seemed to work fine in the new xterms and
aixterms which I created but after looking back in the aixterm where I'd
had the problems, I realised what the cause was. There was one
line in the list which was exactly 80 ($COLUMNS) characters wide.

xterm and aixterm seem to treat this differently: aixterm gives me a blank
line after it whereas xterm doesn't. Zsh then places the cursor correctly
only with the xterm.

Another thing which I've noticed in this process is that if my prompt is 79
($COLUMNS-1) characters wide, and I use xterm, the cursor initially appears
over the last character of my prompt and when I type, the text wraps back
over the beginning of the prompt.

> only work if the COLUMNS parameter is correctly set (and the terminal
> doesn't do automatic word-wrapping like your mailer ;-).

Sorry about that wrapped mail, I'll attempt to avoid it next time I send a patch.

Peter Stephenson wrote:
> By the way, it's high time I pointed out that sending me a copy of a
> message going to any of the zsh lists is futile as they get sorted into the
> same folder and I just have to delete one.

This is because my mailer includes both the sender and the mailing list (CC'd)
in the receipients when I press reply. I'll try to remember to cut your
address out in future.

Oliver Kiddle

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