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Re: Problem with cursor position after wrapped completion lists

Oliver Kiddle wrote:

> I tried it again and it seemed to work fine in the new xterms and
> aixterms which I created but after looking back in the aixterm where I'd
> had the problems, I realised what the cause was. There was one
> line in the list which was exactly 80 ($COLUMNS) characters wide.
> xterm and aixterm seem to treat this differently: aixterm gives me a blank
> line after it whereas xterm doesn't. Zsh then places the cursor correctly
> only with the xterm.

Hm. I've had a look at this: the only solution I see is to make the
code check if the line it just printed is COLUMNS characters long
whenever it wants to print a newline. Since there are several ways how 
the different things are printed (display-lists, explanation strings, 
matches), fixing this can get quite ugly, so I better ask first: does
anybody see a better solution than to keep track of the number of
characters printed?


Sven Wischnowsky                         wischnow@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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