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Cannot get incremental-complete-word to work

bor@itsrm2:~%> zsh -f
itsrm2% fpath=($fpath ~/.zsh.d/functions)
itsrm2% autoload compinit; compinit
itsrm2% autoload incremental-complete-word 
itsrm2% zle -N incremental-complete-word 
itsrm2% bindkey -e
itsrm2% bindkey '\C-xI' incremental-complete-word 
itsrm2% ls ^xI

itsrm2% ls (press ``t'')
incremental completion...

itsrm2% ls t(press RETURN)
incremental completion...

tsrm2% ls tkey=
files: _
Brodsky       addrbook.d    fnt           observe       tmp
FM2000        bin           foo           save          xxxx
ICONS         dead.letter   itsrm2        src           
INBOX         dikz          mail          test          

this is with all patches up to including 7042 (I hope :-)


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