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One big and one little problem with ZSH-3.1.5-pws-25


  I have two problems to report about ZSH-3.1.5-pws-25 compiled
on Digital Unix 4.0D, with the native C compiler:

  Big Problem:

  One thing that worked with -pwd-20 and no more with -pwd-25
(I don't know in which version the problem happened), is that
when I do loops where I call ls for example, at a moment I get
a "job table full" error message. An example as:

    while true
>-> do
>->   ls a_file
>-> done

  leads to "zsh: job table full" after 48 times "ls" was performed.

  Light Problem:

  I've configured my prompt to use colors:


  (Escape codes may not be visible here, but they work!)
  I've compiled last xterm-112 with 256 colors support.

  When I write my command after the prompt, It's of the good color, but
I try to complete with "TAB", the texts becomes as the default (not bold
white for me)

  If I use a %B at the end, even when completing, the command (not the 
completion list, I don't care about it) on the command line is bold, so
it behaves correctly.

  Any idea why this doesn't work (FYI, I removed the RPROMPT for this

Best regards, continue the good work on this shell I've been using for
6 years now with great pleasure!

 Jeremie Petit.

		Jeremie Iahhel PETIT <jeremie_petit@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

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