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Re: PATCH: completion

In article <199908261220.OAA15915@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
  Sven Wischnowsky <wischnow@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

> Should be fixed by this patch. 

Hm. `cvs -e vi <TAB>' works now. Thanks.
But common options are too disabled.

Z(2):akr@is27e1u11% ./Src/zsh -f
is27e1u11% bindkey -e; fpath=($PWD/Completion/*(/)); autoload -U compinit; compinit -D; compdef _tst tst
is27e1u11% compconf group_matches=yes
is27e1u11% compconf message_format='%d'
is27e1u11% compconf description_format='%d'
is27e1u11% cvs <TAB>
add        commit     export     log        release    tag        watchers
admin      diff       history    login      remove     unedit     
annotate   edit       import     logout     rtag       update     
checkout   editors    init       rdiff      status     watch      

In this case, the cursor is on first non-option argument *or* option
argument.  So, _arguments should complete options addition to call
_cvs_command, I suppose.

Or, should _cvs be changed to
"_arguments ... ':cvs command:_cvs_commands' '*::cvs command arguments:_cvs_args'" ?

is27e1u11% cvs -evi <TAB>
unknown cvs command: -evi

Tanaka Akira

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