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Re: PATCH: completion for perldoc

Adam Spiers wrote:

> How would you define a suite of command exactly?  I assumed it would
> be a function whose #compdef top line had many commands on it.  My
> _perl* stuff has a #compdef line for the pm* commands from pmtools,
> and a #compdef for perldoc, but I couldn't figure out how to squash
> them all into one file.

Well, you can always compare `$words[1]' in an `if' or `case' and then 
put the stuff from the #autoloaded functions in the same file and
execute it only if some parameter was set by the tests at the
beginning or something like that.

> I noticed Etc/Completion-style-guide soon after posting and realised
> the many problems with that _perl* :-(

Never mind. All this isn't fixed in stone yet and the `style-guide' is 
quite new.


P.S.:   And, after all, we are all still learning what is possible with
        the function system.
P.P.S.: The function system started as an attempt to make the syntax
        easier to understand. And now we have a completion function
	that explains what it does by giving an equivalent `compctl' ;-)

Sven Wischnowsky                         wischnow@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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