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PATCH: verbose-list command

With all these descriptions (omigod, what have I done...), I was
wishing for a way to turn them on/off. So this adds the `verbose-list' 
bindable command which behaves like `delete-char-or-list' but can turn 
on (and off) option-listing and the `describe_*' keys on consecutive
With that, the current list of matches can change, of course, so it
would be nice to have a way to make TAB work with the changed list
(starting auto-menu), so I also enhanced `_oldlist' to supoort this.


diff -u od/Zsh/compsys.yo Doc/Zsh/compsys.yo
--- od/Zsh/compsys.yo	Thu Sep  9 16:31:34 1999
+++ Doc/Zsh/compsys.yo	Sun Sep 12 20:09:31 1999
@@ -1075,6 +1078,22 @@
 existing string instead of reading a new one.  To force a new string to be
 read, call tt(_read_comp) with a numeric argument.
+item(tt(_verbose_list) (^Xv))(
+This widget behaves like the builtin tt(delete-char-or-list) widget
+but if called repeatedly with the same command line, it will make the
+completion list more and more verbose. The default behavior is to
+first show options even if the tt(option_prefix) configuration key is
+set and to show option and value descriptions, too, on the next
+invocation. Using the tt(verboselist_stages) configuration key it is
+possible to change this default behavior, see
+ifzman(the section `Completion System Configuration' below)\
+ifnzman(noderef(Completion System Configuration)). Also, the
+tt(_oldlist) completer has support for this command, which is
+described in the entry for the tt(oldlist_menu) configuration key.
+Since this widget normally behaves like tt(delete-char-or-list) you
+may find it convenient to bind it to tt(^D).
 texinode(Completion System Configuration)()(Bindable Commands)(Completion System)
@@ -1339,7 +1358,37 @@
 and menu completion is started in one of the usual ways.  Usually, typing
 tt(TAB) at this point would start trying to complete the line as it now
 appears.  With tt(_oldlist), it will instead continue to cycle through the
-list of completions. 
+list of completions.
+With this key, the tt(_oldlist) completer also has additional support
+for the tt(_verbose_list) bindable command: when it is set to
+tt(verbose), invoking the tt(_oldlist) completer after a different
+list has been shown by calling the tt(_verbose_list) command will make 
+completion re-use this list, so that, for example, menu completion
+will be started when the tt(AUTO_LIST) option is set.
+This key is used by the tt(_verbose_list) bindable command to find out 
+when options or descriptions should be shown. It is a colon-separated
+list of the keywords tt(normal), tt(options) and tt(describe). The
+keywords are used in the order in which they appear to describe what
+should be listed on the next call to the widget (with an unchanged
+command line). The value tt(normal) says that the list should be
+generated as defined by the normal settings of the configuration
+keys, the value tt(options) says that options should be listed even if 
+the tt(option_prefix) configuration key is set, and tt(describe) says
+that options and values should be described. The last two can be
+combined as in tt(describe-options) to make both options being listed
+and options and values being described.
+For example, if tt(option_prefix) is set to any non-empty value,
+tt(describe_options) is not set and tt(verboselist_stages) is set to
+tt(describe:normal) invoking the tt(_verbose_list) widget with a list
+being shown will replace this list with a list containing also option
+names that are possible matches and will also make these options be
+described if possible. Consecutively invoking the tt(_verbose_list)
+widget will then toggle between the normal list form and the extra
+verbose one.
 This is used by the tt(_path_files) function which is used throughout
diff -u -r oldcompletion/Commands/_verbose_list Completion/Commands/_verbose_list
--- oldcompletion/Commands/_verbose_list	Mon Sep 13 10:37:42 1999
+++ Completion/Commands/_verbose_list	Sat Sep 11 23:17:31 1999
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+#compdef -k delete-char-or-list \C-xv
+# You probably want to bind this to Control-D.
+local odf="$compconfig[description_format]"
+local omf="$compconfig[message_format]"
+local ogm="$compconfig[group_matches]"
+local oop="$compconfig[option_prefix]"
+local odo="$compconfig[describe_options]"
+local odv="$compconfig[describe_values]"
+local what nm
+(( $# )) || set -- ${(s.:.)compconfig[verboselist_stages]}
+if [[ "$BUFFER" != "$_vl_buffer" || "$*" != "$_vl_config" ]]; then
+  _vl_buffer="$BUFFER"
+  _vl_config="$*"
+  _vl_array=( "$@" )
+  _vl_index=1
+  if (( ! $#_vl_array )); then
+    [[ -n "$compconfig[option_prefix]" ]] && _vl_array=(options)
+    [[ -z "$compconfig[describe_options]" ||
+       -z "$compconfig[describe_options]" ]] &&
+        _vl_array=( "$_vl_array[@]" options-describe )
+    _vl_array=( "$_vl_array[@]" normal )
+  fi
+  if [[ -z "$compstate[old_list]" ]]; then
+    if (( $_vl_array[(I)normal] )); then
+      _vl_index="$_vl_array[(I)normal]"
+    else
+      _vl_array=( normal "$_vl_array[@]" )
+    fi
+  fi
+# If we had a possibility to say `ignore all matches added up to now',
+# we could de-comment these thigs and wouldn't have the problem that
+# if the options were already the stage `options' is a somewhat
+# irritating no-op.
+# Or maybe we make the completion functions report if they added
+# options/description one day.
+# while true; do
+  what="$_vl_array[_vl_index++]"
+  [[ _vl_index -gt $#_vl_array ]] && _vl_index=1
+  if [[ "$what" != normal ]]; then
+    [[ -z "$odf" ]] && compconfig[description_format]='---- %d'
+    [[ -z "$omf" ]] && compconfig[message_format]='---- %d'
+    [[ -z "$ogm" ]] && compconfig[group_matches]=yes
+    [[ "$what" = *options* ]] && compconfig[option_prefix]=''
+    if [[ "$what" = *describe* ]]; then
+      compconfig[describe_options]=yes
+      compconfig[describe_values]=yes
+    fi
+  fi
+  if [[ -n "$compstate[old_list]" ]]; then
+    nm="$_lastcomp[nmatches]"
+  else
+    nm=-1
+  fi
+  _main_complete
+#   [[ "$what" != options || compstate[nmatches] -ne nm ]] && break
+# done
diff -u -r oldcompletion/Core/_oldlist Completion/Core/_oldlist
--- oldcompletion/Core/_oldlist	Mon Sep 13 10:37:51 1999
+++ Completion/Core/_oldlist	Sun Sep 12 18:49:26 1999
@@ -27,13 +27,23 @@
 # If this is a completion widget, and we have a completion inserted already,
 # and the compconfig key oldlist_menu is not never, then we cycle through the
 # existing list (even if it was generated by another widget).
-if [[ -n $compstate[old_insert] && $WIDGET = *complete(|-prefix|-word) &&
-  $compconfig[oldlist_menu] != never ]]; then
+if [[ $compconfig[oldlist_menu] = verbose &&
+      $LASTWIDGET = _verbose_list && $WIDGET != _verbose_list &&
+      -z $compstate[old_insert] &&
+      -n $compstate[old_list] ]]; then
-  if [[ $WIDGET = *reverse* ]]; then
-    compstate[insert]=$(( compstate[old_insert] - 1 ))
+elif [[ $WIDGET = *complete(|-prefix|-word) &&
+      $compconfig[oldlist_menu] != (never|verbose) ]]; then
+  if [[ -n $compstate[old_insert] ]]; then
+    compstate[old_list]=keep
+    if [[ $WIDGET = *reverse* ]]; then
+      compstate[insert]=$(( compstate[old_insert] - 1 ))
+    else
+      compstate[insert]=$(( compstate[old_insert] + 1 ))
+    fi
-    compstate[insert]=$(( compstate[old_insert] + 1 ))
+    return 1
   return 0

Sven Wischnowsky                         wischnow@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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