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Re: PATCH: predict-on (Re: Completeinword and ambiguous completions)

On Oct 22,  8:40am, Sven Wischnowsky wrote:
} Subject: Re: PATCH: predict-on (Re: Completeinword and ambiguous completio
} Bart Schaefer wrote:
} > On Oct 21,  9:10am, Sven Wischnowsky wrote:
} > } Subject: Re: Completeinword and ambiguous completions
} > }
} > }   compmatchers=('' 'r:|=*')
} > } 
} > } Is that good enough?
} > 
} > It seems to work some, but not all, of the time.  For example:
} > 
} > zagzig<4> setopt promptt
} > 
} > If the cursor is on the second `t' there are two possible completions
} > (promptsubst and promptpercent).  So when the cursor is on the `m' I
} > expect TAB to move it to the second `t'.  Instead I get a feep.
} Ugh. The completion code doesn't try to do that at all, right.
} You can try the (probably expensive):
}   compmatchers=('r:|?=* r:|=*')
} of course. This works for me at least with your example.

No, that's far too aggressive.  If I drop that into predict-on, I can't
type anything -- it erases the whole line and makes me start over every
character or two, or else I get weird stuff like this:

zagzig<6> seto          
_bash_completions        kpsetool                 setmetamode            
_history_complete_word   netscape-communicator    setopt                 
_set_options             restoretextmode          setsysfont             
_setopt                  savetextmode             setup_compinit         
_unset_options           setclock                 unsetopt               
_unsetopt                setconsole               xsetmode               
_user_at_host            setfont                  xsetpointer            
_x_selection_timeout     setkeycodes              xsetroot               

If I hack up insert-and-predict to reset compmatchers locally, then it
works again until I get to this point with cursor on the "o":

zagzig<6> setopt

If I now press TAB, I get

zagzig<4> setopt        
_set_options     _unset_options   setopt           unsetopt       
_setopt          _unsetopt        setup_compinit                  

with the cursor moved back to the "s".  I never want the cursor to move

(setup_compinit is a function I use to force compinit to read functions
out of the current zsh build tree rather than out of the install.)

} Another way
} would be to try completion again and again while moving the
} cursor. But that would even be more expensive.

It's also not what I want.  What I want to do is described precisely by:

(0) Assume no global compmatchers.
(1) Generate the possible matches at the current cursor position as
    if for expand-or-complete-prefix, i.e. ignoring what follows.
(2) Compute the common prefix of those matches.
(3) If the common prefix matches what follows on the line, move the
    cursor to the end of the common prefix, else no change.
(4) Recompute matches at this (new?) position as if for completeinword.
(5) If exactly one, insert it and put the cursor at the end of it.
(5) Else if none, move the cursor back to the original position.
(6) Otherwise (and if autolist) list the matches from (4).

I don't care about any other possible completions between the start
position and the end of the common prefix, and don't want to consider
them as possible matches.

} > Maybe the following will explain why I'm interested in this.  I want to
} > press TAB in the middle of a predictivly-inserted line to jump ahead to
} > the next spot where I might want to edit.
} Almost-DWIM?

Yes.  Even without the stuff I'm asking about above, this works very
nicely -- I like it MUCH better than incremental-complete-word, because
it's modeless:  I never have to accept a completion and then accept the
line -- I can accept the line immediately at any time, or hit TAB to go
through the normal completion process on the current word, or just keep
typing to have the completion incrementally change for me.

Here's a follow-on patch to fix a logic-error in the last one and to
back out compmatchers (at least for now):

Index: Functions/Zle/predict-on
@@ -25,19 +25,17 @@
 # error message.
 predict-on() {
-    setopt localoptions nounset noksharrays
+    setopt localoptions unset noksharrays
     zle -N self-insert insert-and-predict
     zle -N magic-space insert-and-predict
     zle -N backward-delete-char delete-backward-and-predict
-    [[ $compmatchers[2] != 'r:|=*' ]] &&
-      compmatchers=('' 'r:|=*' $compmatchers)
+    zle -N delete-char-or-list delete-no-predict
 predict-off() {
-    setopt localoptions nounset noksharrays
+    setopt localoptions unset noksharrays
     zle -A .self-insert self-insert
     zle -A .magic-space magic-space
     zle -A .backward-delete-char backward-delete-char
-    [[ $compmatchers[2] != 'r:|=*' ]] || shift 2 compmatchers
 insert-and-predict () {
   emulate -L zsh
@@ -75,11 +73,14 @@
       zle .history-beginning-search-forward || RBUFFER=""
       return 0
-      # Depending on preference, you might call "predict-off" here,
-      # and also set up forward deletions to turn off prediction.
+      # Depending on preference, you might call "predict-off" here.
+delete-no-predict() {
+  predict-off
+  zle .$WIDGET "$@"
 [[ -o kshautoload ]] || predict-on "$@"

Bart Schaefer                                 Brass Lantern Enterprises
http://www.well.com/user/barts              http://www.brasslantern.com

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