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RE: PATCH: Re: _match still does not work in _path_files

> In a different message:
> > Ahem ... but why is menu completion started for the last path
> component in the
> > first place? I expect it to be started for
> {functions,functions.old} - the first
> > ambiguous part. And I bet it was - once.
> >
> > I tested it in zsh-3.1.6 and there _match works :-) and look what happens:
> >
> > itsrm2% l /t/s/z/f*/_<TAB>
> > itsrm2% l /tools/share/zsh/functions/_
> > functions/      functions.old/
> >
> > press TAB once more and selection is started for the first
> ambiguous component:
> This works for me again. If it still doesn't work for you, I need to
> know your compconfig.

Nope, it still does not work here. This is the ZSH from CVS of Tanaka Akira ...
quite recent, couple of hours (anybody know, how to find exact time when files
have been updated?)


bor@itsrm2:/tools/src/zsh-cvs/zsh%> zsh -f
itsrm2% compinit -D
zsh: command not found: compinit
itsrm2% autoload -U compinit; compinit -D
itsrm2% bindkey -e
itsrm2% setopt nolistambiguous
itsrm2% {
cursh> compconf completer='_oldlist:_complete:_match'
cursh> compconf correct_accept='2n'
cursh> compconf correct_prompt='correct to:'
cursh> compconf dumpfile='/home/bor/.zcompdump'
cursh> compconf match_insert='unambig'
cursh> compconf match_original='yes'
cursh> compconf oldlist_list='_match'
cursh> compconf path_cursor='yes'
cursh> }
itsrm2% zmodload complist
itsrm2% SELECTMIN=0
itsrm2% ls /t/s/z/f*/_<TAB>


bor@itsrm2:/tools/src/db-2.7.7/build_unix%> zsh-3.1.6 -f
itsrm2% cd /tools/src/zsh-3.1.6/Completion
itsrm2% fpath=($PWD/*(/))
itsrm2% autoload -U compinit; compinit -D
itsrm2% {
cursh> compconf completer='_oldlist:_complete:_match'
cursh> compconf correct_accept='2n'
cursh> compconf correct_prompt='correct to:'
cursh> compconf dumpfile='/home/bor/.zcompdump'
cursh> compconf match_insert='unambig'
cursh> compconf match_original='yes'
cursh> compconf oldlist_list='_match'
cursh> compconf path_cursor='yes'
cursh> }
itsrm2% SELECTMIN=0
itsrm2% zmodload complist
itsrm2% bindkey -e
itsrm2% setopt nolistambiguous
itsrm2% ls /t/s/z/f*/_<TAB>
itsrm2% ls /tools/share/zsh/functions<CURSOR>/_
functions/      functions.old/

with TAB cycling between functions and functions.old

It is much worse actually; in the above setup as simple as

itsrm2% ls /t/s/z/f/_<TAB>

does not work - it beeps. In 3.1.6 pure I at least get both functions and
functions.old listed (I am still not quite happy with what happens after the
second TAB ...)


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