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PATCH: Re: Names in the parameters module

Bart Schaefer wrote:

> I'd like to suggest that:
> The "dis" parameters all become "dis_" parameters.
> raliases becomes aliases.

Thanks for saying that... I was tempted to do that anyway.


diff -u -r oldsrc/Modules/parameter.c Src/Modules/parameter.c
--- oldsrc/Modules/parameter.c	Wed Nov  3 10:25:58 1999
+++ Src/Modules/parameter.c	Wed Nov  3 11:51:55 1999
@@ -1808,7 +1808,7 @@
     { "functions", 0,
       getpmfunction, scanpmfunctions, setpmfunctions,
       NULL, NULL, stdunsetfn, NULL },
-    { "disfunctions", 0,
+    { "dis_functions", 0,
       getpmdisfunction, scanpmdisfunctions, setpmdisfunctions,
       NULL, NULL, stdunsetfn, NULL },
     { "funcstack", PM_ARRAY|PM_SPECIAL|PM_READONLY,
@@ -1817,13 +1817,13 @@
     { "builtins", PM_READONLY,
       getpmbuiltin, scanpmbuiltins, hashsetfn,
       NULL, NULL, stdunsetfn, NULL },
-    { "disbuiltins", PM_READONLY,
+    { "dis_builtins", PM_READONLY,
       getpmdisbuiltin, scanpmdisbuiltins, hashsetfn,
       NULL, NULL, stdunsetfn, NULL },
       NULL, NULL, NULL,
       arrsetfn, reswordsgetfn, stdunsetfn, NULL },
-    { "disreswords", PM_ARRAY|PM_SPECIAL|PM_READONLY,
+    { "dis_reswords", PM_ARRAY|PM_SPECIAL|PM_READONLY,
       NULL, NULL, NULL,
       arrsetfn, disreswordsgetfn, stdunsetfn, NULL },
     { "options", 0,
@@ -1853,16 +1853,16 @@
     { "userdirs", PM_READONLY,
       getpmuserdir, scanpmuserdirs, hashsetfn,
       NULL, NULL, stdunsetfn, NULL },
-    { "raliases", 0,
+    { "aliases", 0,
       getpmralias, scanpmraliases, setpmraliases,
       NULL, NULL, stdunsetfn, NULL },
     { "galiases", 0,
       getpmgalias, scanpmgaliases, setpmgaliases,
       NULL, NULL, stdunsetfn, NULL },
-    { "disraliases", 0,
+    { "dis_aliases", 0,
       getpmdisralias, scanpmdisraliases, setpmdisraliases,
       NULL, NULL, stdunsetfn, NULL },
-    { "disgaliases", 0,
+    { "dis_galiases", 0,
       getpmdisgalias, scanpmdisgaliases, setpmdisgaliases,
       NULL, NULL, stdunsetfn, NULL },
diff -u -r oldsrc/Modules/parameter.mdd Src/Modules/parameter.mdd
--- oldsrc/Modules/parameter.mdd	Wed Nov  3 11:49:47 1999
+++ Src/Modules/parameter.mdd	Wed Nov  3 11:52:14 1999
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-autoparams="parameters commands functions disfunctions funcstack builtins disbuiltins reswords disreswords options modules dirstack history historywords jobtexts jobstates nameddirs userdirs raliases disraliases galiases disgaliases"
+autoparams="parameters commands functions dis_functions funcstack builtins dis_builtins reswords dis_reswords options modules dirstack history historywords jobtexts jobstates nameddirs userdirs aliases dis_aliases galiases dis_galiases"
diff -u -r oldcompletion/Base/_command_names Completion/Base/_command_names
--- oldcompletion/Base/_command_names	Wed Nov  3 11:48:41 1999
+++ Completion/Base/_command_names	Wed Nov  3 11:55:38 1999
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
   _description expl 'shell function'
   compadd "$expl[@]" "$@" - "${(k@)functions}" && ret=0
   _description expl 'alias'
-  compadd "$expl[@]" "$@" - "${(k@)raliases}" && ret=0
+  compadd "$expl[@]" "$@" - "${(k@)aliases}" && ret=0
   _description expl 'reserved word'
   compadd "$expl[@]" "$@" - "${(k@)reswords}" && ret=0
diff -u -r oldcompletion/Builtins/_aliases Completion/Builtins/_aliases
--- oldcompletion/Builtins/_aliases	Wed Nov  3 11:48:43 1999
+++ Completion/Builtins/_aliases	Wed Nov  3 11:56:07 1999
@@ -3,6 +3,6 @@
 local expl
 _description expl 'regular alias'
-compadd "$expl[@]" - "${(@k)raliases}"
+compadd "$expl[@]" - "${(@k)aliases}"
 _description expl 'global alias'
 compadd "$expl[@]" - "${(@k)galiases}"
diff -u -r oldcompletion/Builtins/_enable Completion/Builtins/_enable
--- oldcompletion/Builtins/_enable	Wed Nov  3 11:48:44 1999
+++ Completion/Builtins/_enable	Wed Nov  3 11:54:05 1999
@@ -4,19 +4,19 @@
 if [[ "$prev" = -*a* ]]; then
   _description expl alias
-  compadd "$expl[@]" "$@" - "${(k@)disaliases}" && ret=0
+  compadd "$expl[@]" "$@" - "${(k@)dis_aliases}" "${(k@)dis_galiases}" && ret=0
 if [[ "$prev" = -*f* ]]; then
   _description expl 'shell function'
-  compadd "$expl[@]" "$@" - "${(k@)disfunctions}" && ret=0
+  compadd "$expl[@]" "$@" - "${(k@)dis_functions}" && ret=0
 if [[ "$prev" = -*r* ]]; then
   _description expl 'reserved word'
-  compadd "$expl[@]" "$@" - "${(k@)disreswords}" && ret=0
+  compadd "$expl[@]" "$@" - "${(k@)dis_reswords}" && ret=0
 if [[ "$prev" != -* ]]; then
   _description expl 'builtin command'
-  compadd "$expl[@]" "$@" - "${(k@)disbuiltins}" && ret=0
+  compadd "$expl[@]" "$@" - "${(k@)dis_builtins}" && ret=0
 return ret
diff -u -r oldcompletion/Builtins/_unhash Completion/Builtins/_unhash
--- oldcompletion/Builtins/_unhash	Wed Nov  3 11:48:45 1999
+++ Completion/Builtins/_unhash	Wed Nov  3 11:54:50 1999
@@ -8,11 +8,12 @@
 if [[ "$fl" = -*a* ]]; then
   _description expl alias
-  compadd "$expl[@]" - "${(@k)aliases}" "${(@k)disaliases}" && ret=0
+  compadd "$expl[@]" - "${(@k)aliases}" "${(@k)dis_aliases}" \
+                       "${(@k)galiases}" "${(@k)dis_galiases}" && ret=0
 if [[ "$fl" = -*f* ]]; then
   _description expl 'shell function'
-  compadd "$expl[@]" - "${(@k)functions}" "${(@k)disfunctions}" && ret=0
+  compadd "$expl[@]" - "${(@k)functions}" "${(@k)dis_functions}" && ret=0
 if [[ "$fl" != -* ]]; then
   _command_names -e && ret=0
diff -u -r oldcompletion/Builtins/_which Completion/Builtins/_which
--- oldcompletion/Builtins/_which	Wed Nov  3 11:48:45 1999
+++ Completion/Builtins/_which	Wed Nov  3 11:56:47 1999
@@ -9,6 +9,6 @@
 _description expl 'shell function'
 compadd "$expl[@]" "$@" - "${(k@)functions}" && ret=0
 _description expl 'alias'
-compadd "$expl[@]" "$@" - "${(k@)raliases}" && ret=0
+compadd "$expl[@]" "$@" - "${(k@)aliases}" && ret=0
 _description expl 'reserved word'
 compadd "$expl[@]" "$@" - "${(k@)reswords}" && ret=0
diff -u olddoc/Zsh/builtins.yo Doc/Zsh/builtins.yo
--- olddoc/Zsh/builtins.yo	Wed Nov  3 10:26:21 1999
+++ Doc/Zsh/builtins.yo	Wed Nov  3 10:38:26 1999
@@ -1400,10 +1400,10 @@
 In a shell without dynamic loading only the tt(-e) option is
-supported. In such a shell the return status of tt(zmodload) without
-arguments or options is one whereas in a shell with dynamic loading
-the return status without arguments or options is always zero. This
-can be used to test if the shell supports dynamic loading of modules
-or not.
+supported and the tt(-i) option is ignored. In such a shell the return
+status of tt(zmodload) without arguments or options is one whereas in
+a shell with dynamic loading the return status without arguments or
+options is always zero. This can be used to test if the shell supports
+dynamic loading of modules or not.
diff -u olddoc/Zsh/mod_parameter.yo Doc/Zsh/mod_parameter.yo
--- olddoc/Zsh/mod_parameter.yo	Wed Nov  3 10:26:23 1999
+++ Doc/Zsh/mod_parameter.yo	Wed Nov  3 11:52:58 1999
@@ -32,8 +32,8 @@
 name given by the key and the body given by the value. Unsetting a key
 removes the definition for the function named by the key.
 Like tt(functions) but for disabled functions.
@@ -44,33 +44,33 @@
 automatically be loaded from a module if invoked or `tt(defined)' for
 builtin commands that are already loaded.
 Like tt(builtins) but for disabled builtin commands.
 This array contains the enabled reserved words.
 Like tt(reswords) but for disabled reserved words.
 This maps the names of the regular aliases currently enabled to their
 Like tt(raliases) but for disabled regular aliases.
 Like tt(raliases), but for global aliases.
 Like tt(galiases) but for disabled global aliases.

Sven Wischnowsky                         wischnow@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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