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PATCH: math i18n

% export LC_ALL=pl_PL

% typeset -F a; ((a=1.1))
zsh: bad floating point constant

% ((a=1,1)) ; echo $a

% LANG=C; ((a=1.1)) ; echo $a

You can't make a floating point assignment if your locale's
decimal point is a comma.

The problem here is that strtod is using the locale yet zsh is
ignoring it.

This patch fixes the problem basically by allowing locale
to switch the meanings of '.' and ','.  Because I'm an
ignorant American, I have no idea what this breaks.

--- Src/math.c	1999/11/10 08:23:22
+++ Src/math.c	1999/11/10 17:03:30
@@ -184,9 +184,20 @@
 static int
+    char decimal = '.', thousands = ',';
     int cct = 0;
+#ifdef USE_LOCALE
+    struct lconv *lc;
     yyval.type = MN_INTEGER;
+#ifdef USE_LOCALE
+    lc = localeconv();
+    decimal = *(lc->decimal_point);
+    thousands = *(lc->thousands_sep);
     for (;; cct = 0)
 	switch (*ptr++) {
 	case '+':
@@ -324,7 +335,9 @@
 	case ':':
 	    return COLON;
 	case ',':
-	    return COMMA;
+	case '.':
+	    if (*(ptr-1) == thousands) return COMMA;
+	    else break;
 	case '\0':
 	    return EOI;
@@ -349,15 +362,15 @@
 	/* Fall through! */
-	    if (idigit(*--ptr) || *ptr == '.') {
+	    if (idigit(*--ptr) || *ptr == decimal) {
 		char *nptr;
 		for (nptr = ptr; idigit(*nptr); nptr++);
-		if (*nptr == '.' || *nptr == 'e' || *nptr == 'E') {
+		if (*nptr == decimal || *nptr == 'e' || *nptr == 'E') {
 		    /* it's a float */
 		    yyval.type = MN_FLOAT;
 		    yyval.u.d = strtod(ptr, &nptr);
-		    if (ptr == nptr || *nptr == '.') {
+		    if (ptr == nptr || *nptr == decimal ) {
 			zerr("bad floating point constant", NULL, 0);
 			return EOI;

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