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PATCH: oops, a set -x

I forgot to remove a `set -x' in `_telnet'.

That's because I wanted to find out why Tanaka (I think it was him)

  # _arguments cannot handle following three options.
  optionmap=( "[-noasynch]" '-noasynch' \
              "[-noasyncnet]" '-noasyncnet' \
              "[-noasynctty]" '-noasynctty' )

and the proceeds to do the option handling by hand...

Tanaka: have you mentioned that at the time you wrote it and I missed
it? I tried and since `_telnet' doesn't support options for my
`telnet' at all, I couldn't find out what goes wrong with these
options. Could you explain that to me so that we can fix it and
simplify `_telnet'?


diff -u oldcompletion/User/_telnet Completion/User/_telnet
--- oldcompletion/User/_telnet	Fri Nov 12 15:56:05 1999
+++ Completion/User/_telnet	Fri Nov 12 15:59:54 1999
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 local context state line expl
 typeset -A opt_args
-set -x
 if (( ! $+_telnet_short )); then
   local k help="$(telnet -\? < /dev/null 2>&1)"
   local -A optionmap

Sven Wischnowsky                         wischnow@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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