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pws-11: what exactly is "default" tag?

Getting my select/colors back :-) I was a bit confused. Doc states, that for
default menu and list-colors I have to "set them for default tag". Now, the
semantic of "default tag" is a bit different from "tag default" ... and playing
with it (looking how I can set defaults for different styles):

list-colors requires you to set it for '*:default'
menu happily accepts both '*' and '*:default'
completer (e.g.) requires you to set it for '*'

This is realy a bit confusing ... is it possible use either '*' or '*:default'
as default tag :-) in all places? And properly describe. what "default tag"
actually means?

("Requires to set" means, that if you set it for something different it won't be
accepted as default value)


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