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Re: Possible bug?

Zefram <zefram@xxxxxxxx> typed:
:Mike Perez wrote:
:>Well I am not sure if this is a bug or not, but I was able to reproduce
:>it on a few machines that all were in Y2K.
:I can reproduce it too:
:% date
:Sun Jan  2 00:48:08 GMT 2000
:% print -P '%D{%G}'
:% date +%G

>From my strftime(3):

" %G	is replaced by the ISO 8601 year with century as a decimal number.

  %V	is replaced by the week number of the year (Monday as the first day
	of the week) as a decimal number [01,53].  According to ISO 8601
	the week containing January 1 is week 1 if it has four or more days
	in the new year, otherwise it is week 53 of the previous year, and
	the next week is week 1.  The year is given by the `%G' conversion

Geoff Wing : <gcw@xxxxxxxxx>     Work URL: http://www.primenet.com.au/
Rxvt Stuff : <gcw@xxxxxxxx>      Ego URL : http://pobox.com/~gcw/
Zsh Stuff  : <gcw@xxxxxxx>       Phone   : (Australia) 0413 431 874

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