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Re: PATCH: _path_files -g

Sven Wischnowsky wrote:
> I'd like to ask again if we should make the completion system *not*
> use $fignore any more -- everything it can do can also be done with
> the ignored-suffixes style.

No, because it would annoy people, such as me.  I can't see any any real
advantage in dispensing with it after so long.  It exists in other shells,

> Also, we could think about making this more powerful. E.g. we could
> make compadd use the strings it gets with the -F option as patterns so 
> that we are not restricted to only suffixes (although the suffix test
> is faster, of course, but we could still handle simple patterns of the 
> form `*<str>' in the same way we use those strings now). And we could
> make those patterns be used for all types of matches and turn the
> ignored-suffixes style into a ignored-strings style that is set in
> _description. Would be quite simple, actually.

An ignored-patterns (probably better than ignored-strings) style would be
useful.  It could sensible replace ignored-suffixes, but we should still
maintain $fignore for compatibility, if necessary quoting the suffixes and
sticking a `*' in front, which is trivial.

Peter Stephenson <pws@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

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