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zle -R glitch


I just had a peek at the new (to me, at least) widget system, and
impressed as I am, I found something that might need some fixing. As
an exercise, I tried implementing a "what-line" function:

function what-line () { zle -R "Line $HISTNO" }
zle -N what-line

...but when I try it out (M-x what-line), I am barely able to make out the
output before it is flashed away again. Setting up keyboard repeat rate
and keeping M-z down for a while confirmed that the function seems to work
otherwise, but I would have expected the function to work more like the
what-cursor-position, that is, to stay visible on the status line.

(For the record: Tested with an own build of 3.1.6-dev-14 as well as the
Linux Mandrake zsh-3.1.6-10mdk rpm)

I'd appreciate being cc:ed any postings, since I'm not on the list.

/Johan Sundström, happily playing with the new featuress in zsh 3.1.6

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