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Re: _arguments problems

Tanaka Akira wrote:

> Z:akr@is27e1u11% Src/zsh -f
> is27e1u11% bindkey -e; autoload -U compinit; compinit -D; compdef _tst tst
> is27e1u11% _tst () { _arguments "1:desc1:(arg1)" }
> is27e1u11% tst <TAB>
> This completes nothing but it should completes `arg1'.

It would have worked in argument number 49. Ouch.

> is27e1u11% _tst () { _arguments '-a' '*::rest:_tst2' }
> is27e1u11% _tst2 () { compadd - '-b' }
> is27e1u11% tst arg -<TAB>
> -b 
> -a 
> This completes `-a' and `-b' but it shouldn't completes `-a'.

Hm. I see why you think it shouldn't and it can be achieved by
applying the first hunk below.

*But* if we do that there wouldn't be a way to get at the options in
cases like this one (ok, it works with longer options but with short
ones like these one would have to type the whole option to complete
it). I'm really not sure if this is a good idea, I could only convince 
myself to build that patch because one can always set the
prefix-needed style to false for such commands.

I'd like to hear other opinions: does anyone think that this might
surprise users? Or maybe I'm worrying too much about to special a


diff -ru ../z.old/Completion/Base/_arguments Completion/Base/_arguments
--- ../z.old/Completion/Base/_arguments	Fri Feb  4 09:54:06 2000
+++ Completion/Base/_arguments	Fri Feb  4 10:57:05 2000
@@ -260,8 +260,8 @@
       if [[ -z "$matched$mesg" ]] && _requested options &&
           { ! zstyle -t ":completion:${curcontext}:options" prefix-needed ||
-            [[ "$origpre" = [-+]* ||
-               ( -z "$aret$mesg" && nm -eq compstate[nmatches] ) ]] } ; then
+            [[ ( "$origpre" = [-+]* || -z "$aret$mesg" ) &&
+               nm -eq compstate[nmatches] ]] } ; then
 	local prevpre="$PREFIX" previpre="$IPREFIX"
diff -ru ../z.old/Src/Zle/computil.c Src/Zle/computil.c
--- ../z.old/Src/Zle/computil.c	Fri Feb  4 10:35:15 2000
+++ Src/Zle/computil.c	Fri Feb  4 10:47:46 2000
@@ -821,7 +821,7 @@
 		int num = 0;
 		while (*p && idigit(*p))
-		    num = (num * 10) + ((int) *p++);
+		    num = (num * 10) + (((int) *p++) - '0');
 		anum = num + 1;
 	    } else

Sven Wischnowsky                         wischnow@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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