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Re: PATCH: context names

Sorry, this is over a week old now.  I queued it up for sending and didn't
reconnect, and I've been away again for most of this week.  I think it's
still pertinent.

Sven Wischnowsky wrote:
> This makes context names (in the completion system) consistent (I
> hope). The format is always:
>   :completion:<func>:<completer>:<command>:<argument>:<tag>

First point.

Fine, except that now we have to contend with builtin defaults like...

zstyle ':completion:*::::' completer _complete
zstyle ':completion:*::::default' list-colors 'no=0' ...
and I still want to be able to override them with ':completion:*', which
won't work because it's `less specific'.  Is there an advantage for
specifying all those colons here?

In any case, I'm gradually coming round to the view that the defaults for
styles should be hard-wired into the functions (i.e. should be set as
values internally if style retrieval failed).  The big drawback is you
can't see them with `zstyle'.  However, they are almost always the
simplest, most basic behaviour, so I don't think that's a big problem (they
should of course be documented anyway).  It's pretty normal for settings of
any kind to have builtin defaults which you don't see.  The benefits are
presumably obvious: everything the user enters takes precedence, nothing
bogus (that will never be used) shows up with zstyle, nothing needs

Second point.

^Xh always gives a context with no added trailing colon for the tag,
e.g. `:completion::complete:echo:'.  I presume we're retaining the feature
of the old system that since tags weren't always useful, the relevant colon
wasn't added.  If we're now adopting the convention that all (other) colons
always appear, then it might be more consistent to have the colon before
the notional tag there too, so there would be six colons altogether, any
time the completion context is used, with or without an actual tag at the

Peter Stephenson <pws@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

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