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Re: help with _match, globcomplete etc.

Sven Wischnowsky wrote:

> You can bind expand-word to ^X$.

True though I was mainly after not having variable expansion ever when I
press tab.

Incidentally, I tried creating:
expand-variables() {
  setopt localoptions noglob
  zle expand-word
zle -N expand-variables

so that ^X$ wouldn't also glob complete but it comes back with any glob
characters quoted. It seems that expand-word always does this when
noglob is set. Surely this isn't right? In the process, I also noticed
that the quoting can go slightly wrong if there are opened but not
closed braces: $code[ai]/{a,b<Ctrl-X,*> comes back with a quoted '[' in
the middle.

> Have you had a look at the _expand completer? And the _expand_word

I have now but I can't get it to work. I've probably missed something
but this won't work:

zsh -f
autoload -U compinit
bindkey '^I' complete-word
zstyle -d
zstyle ':completion:*::::' completer _expand
echo *<tab>

I was expecting the last line to glob expand (as if tab was still bound
to expand-or-complete) but all I can get is a beep. I've tried changing
the related styles without any effect.



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