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Re: help with _match, globcomplete etc. (with a PATCH)

On Feb 15,  7:53pm, Oliver Kiddle wrote:
} Subject: Re: help with _match, globcomplete etc. (with a PATCH)
} zsh -f
} bindkey -me
} unsetopt glob
} typeset -A code
} code[ai]=foo
} echo $code[ai]/{a,<tab>

All I get from that is a beep, before Sven's 9749, and

zagzig% echo foo/\{a, 
                      ^note trailing space added
with 9749 applied.

Of course that seems wrong, too.  I didn't want the brace to be quoted.

What output do you see?

} The main limiting factor on my configuration is that I can't do
} parameter expansion, command substitution and arithmetic expansion
} independantly.

Hmm.  This would almost have to be done in C code; if you have more
than one of the three forms in the same "word", it'd get pretty messy
to dismantle it to expand only the appropriate substring(s).

} Also, I can't see a way of doing globbing, while preserving variable
} references.

This strikes me as nigh impossible in the general case.  What would you
expect to see if you invoked the "glob but preserve variables" expansion
in a case like:

	zsh% arr=('[sS]' Src/M ../)
	zsh% print -l ${~^arr}*

??  Or do I completely misunderstand what you're asking?

(I note that on that example expand-word produces a list of files but
the _expand completer (with substitute and glob styles set to 1) only
beeps, with or without 9752 applied.  Is that the right behavior?)

Bart Schaefer                                 Brass Lantern Enterprises
http://www.well.com/user/barts              http://www.brasslantern.com

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