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Re: PATCH: _sep_parts

Peter Stephenson wrote:

> There seems to be a typo in _sep_parts, which I was trying out for the
> guide.
> By the way, there also seems to be a problem if one of the separators
> contains a character that needs quoting: completion quotes it, but
> _sep_parts doesn't recognise the quoted string as being the separator when
> performing later completions --- there's no use quoting it by hand, since
> it gets requoted.  Maybe there's an easy workaround, else judicious use of
> -Q may be required, which _sep_parts doesn't accept.  Not that I have an
> application for this, anyway.

This should fix it.


P.S.: Does it have `Don't panic' on its back?

diff -ru ../z.old/Completion/Core/_sep_parts Completion/Core/_sep_parts
--- ../z.old/Completion/Core/_sep_parts	Wed Feb 16 12:40:34 2000
+++ Completion/Core/_sep_parts	Wed Feb 16 17:40:11 2000
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
   # Get the matching array elements.
-  PREFIX="${str%%${sep}*}"
+  PREFIX="${str%%(|\\)${sep}*}"
   builtin compadd -O testarr - "${(@P)arr}"
   [[ $#testarr -eq 0 && -n "$_comp_correct" ]] &&
     compadd -O testarr - "${(@P)arr}"
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@
   [[ $#tmparr -eq 0 && -n "$_comp_correct" ]] &&
     compadd -O tmparr - "${(@P)arr}"
-  suffixes=("${(@)^suffixes[@]}${1}${(@)^tmparr}")
+  suffixes=("${(@)^suffixes[@]}${(q)1}${(@)^tmparr}")
   # We want the completion code to generate the most specific suffix
   # for us, so we collect matching specifications that allow partial
@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@
 # If we were given at least one more separator we make the completion
 # code offer it by appending it as a autoremovable suffix.
-(( $# )) && autosuffix=(-qS "$1")
+(( $# )) && autosuffix=(-qS "${(q)1}")
 # If we have collected matching specifications, we build an array
 # from it that can be used as arguments to `compadd'.

Sven Wischnowsky                         wischnow@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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