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Re: PATCH: _groups and _condition

On Mar 12,  3:30pm, Oliver Kiddle wrote:
} Subject: Re: PATCH: _groups and _condition
} Sorry, I yet again forgot to turn off word-wrap before sending a patch.

Your _groups is out of date -- my copy of _groups has

	... $(_call groups ypcat group.byname) ...


} --- Compoletion/Base/_condition.bak	Sun Mar 12 06:42:06 2000
} +++ Compoletion/Base/_condition	Sun Mar 12 06:46:23 2000
     I don't have this directory. :-)

Here's a cleaned-up patch.  I don't have ypcat, so I can't test it ...

Index: Completion/Base/_condition
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 if [[ "$prev" = -o ]]; then
   _tags -C -o options && _options
-elif [[ "$prev" = -([no]t|ef) ]]; then
+elif [[ "$prev" = -([a-hkprsuwxLOGSN]|[no]t|ef) ]]; then
   _tags -C "$prev" files && _files
   _alternative 'files:: _files' 'parameters:: _parameters'
Index: Completion/User/_groups
@@ -1,13 +1,14 @@
 #compdef newgrp
-local expl groups
+local expl groups tmp
 _wanted groups expl group || return 1
 if ! zstyle -a ":completion:${curcontext}:" groups groups; then
   (( $+_cache_groups )) ||
-      if (( ${+commands[ypcat]} )); then
-        : ${(A)_cache_groups:=${${(s: :)$(_call groups ypcat group.byname)}%%:*}} # If you use YP
+      if (( ${+commands[ypcat]} )) &&
+	  tmp=$(_call groups ypcat group.byname); then
+        : ${(A)_cache_groups:=${${(f)tmp}%%:*}} # If you use YP
         : ${(A)_cache_groups:=${${(s: :)$(</etc/group)}%%:*}}

Bart Schaefer                                 Brass Lantern Enterprises
http://www.well.com/user/barts              http://www.brasslantern.com

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