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Re: ignored-patterns giving correction a go

Oliver Kiddle wrote:

> I added the following to by .zshrc after seeing it in Peter's Zsh Guide
> as an example:
> zstyle ':completion:*:functions' ignored-patterns '_*'
> This is often very useful because I don't get functions beginning with
> underscores until I've actually typed the underscore. The trouble is
> that the correction completer gets to have a go before completion is
> tried without the ignored-patterns so for e.g which _co<tab> offers me
> corrections such as co. Is there any way around this?

See 9865.

I use something like:

  zstyle :completion::::: completer _next_tags _expand _complete \
                                    _complete _match _correct \
                                    _approximate _prefix
  zstyle ':completion:*:complete-2:*' prefer-ignored yes
  zstyle ':completion:*:(correct|approximate|prefix)-1:*' prefer-ignored yes

(Simpler setups can obviously be thought of ;-)

All this alternate-set stuff looks like a hack. Initially it was
invented for $fignore with compctl, but I really, really think we
could do it better now with the completion system. And we should do it 
better, I think, it probably the most important part of 10134, for me
at least. The problem is that if we remove the alternate set stuff for 
new completion, we'll have trouble re-implementing the behaviour of
$fignore, at least when we want it to have the exact same effect.

Some more about 10134: after having thought about it some more, I
begin to like the suggestion with `tag-order tag=method ...' with the
shortcut `tag-order foo'. If I'm not completely mistaken, it would
allow us to change the internals, allow much better control and still
don't invalidate anyone's setup. I think I'll play a bit with this at
the weekend.


Sven Wischnowsky                         wischnow@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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