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Re: ignored-patterns giving correction a go

Bart Schaefer wrote:

> ...
> The only issue I have with this is that it increases the number of
> similar zstyle commands one must give to configure a behavior.  Here's
> your example from 10134:
> }   zstyle ... tag-order foo=files bar=files
> }   zstyle '...:foo' file-patterns '*.ps'
> Presumably the '...' part in both of those lines is, in many cases,
> going to be the same.  And then you need to repeat it _again_ to give
> the patterns for `bar'.  I find myself wishing for some way to merge
> them, maybe something like
>     zstyle ... tag-order foo=files bar=files \
> 	    + foo file-patterns '*.ps' \
> 	    + bar file-patterns '*.pdf'
> That specific example would make the word `+' magic, which might not be
> a good idea ... but we're running out of metacharacters that don't need
> to be annoyingly quoted.

Just occured to me: people don't need to repeat the patterns, of
course, as long as they use their own little naming convention for the 
tags they invent:

  zstyle ... tag-order --foo=files --bar=files
  zstyle '*-foo' ignored-patterns '*.ps'

Or maybe ':completion:*:-foo' or something like that. Onewould only
have to make sure that either

- these tag names are not used more than once,
- or (better) they are used consistently wherever one wants the
  behaviour configured for the tag (avoiding multiple tags with the
  same styles set for them)

Anyway, I'll first get the other stuff done and then we can discuss
(and play with) ways to make the style setup easier.


Sven Wischnowsky                         wischnow@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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