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RE: Wordcode files and compinit

> Hm. The wordcode files already store the complete pathnames used when
> calling zcompile. That could be changed to prepend $PWD to names not
> starting with a slash. Then we could change the patch for
> `autoload -w'
> to make `autoload -w foo.zwc a b c' mark only a, b and c for
> autoloading. And then we could make `autoload -mw foo.zwc
> "*/Completion/Debian/*"'
> mark only those functions for autoloading.

This won't help in case of completion. We need the information from
comments and comments are lost when compiling zsh code. With current way
completion is initialized, functions must be present in source form. I
am not happy about it. Keeping two form of the same function always
increases the possibility of two getting out of sync.


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