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Re: SourceForge Project Approved (fwd)

Oliver Kiddle wrote:

> Sven Wischnowsky wrote:
> > 
> > I mostly mean the web pages, though, because they could certainly be
> > made nicer (although that wouldn't require moving them to sourceforge,
> > of course); didn't someone lately offer to...
> Yes, I recently offered to help with the web pages though what I had in
> mind was primarily ensuring that it remained up-to-date and leaving the
> current lynx friendly layout mostly as it is - I wasn't going to tart it
> up with lots or pretty graphics if that's what you mean by 'made nicer'.

No, I didn't mean graphics. Certainly not.

What I meant was the up-to-date'ness (the `this is coming true no' at
http://sunsite.auc.dk/zsh/about.html has been around since when?),
probably links to Adam's zsh page with the automatically created rpm
files and to Peter's Guide (it definitely is useful already).

And later (when 3.2/4.0 is out or before(?)) we could think about
adding some kind of function repository so that people can keep their
collection of zle widgets, completion functions etc. up-to-date
without having to get the whole tarball every time.

Or something like that...


Sven Wischnowsky                         wischnow@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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