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Re: sourceforge issues

"Bart Schaefer" <schaefer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

> In Emacs vc, `C-x C-v a' will update ChangeLog by incorporating all CVS logs

Humm no :

C-x v a runs the command vc-update-change-log
   which is an interactive compiled Lisp function in `vc'.
(vc-update-change-log &rest ARGS)

Find change log file and add entries from recent RCS/CVS logs.
Normally, find log entries for all registered files in the default
directory using `rcs2log', which finds CVS logs preferentially.
The mark is left at the end of the text prepended to the change log.

With prefix arg of C-u, only find log entries for the current buffer's file.

With any numeric prefix arg, find log entries for all currently visited
files that are under version control.  This puts all the entries in the
log for the default directory, which may not be appropriate.

>From a program, any arguments are assumed to be filenames and are
passed to the `rcs2log' script after massaging to be relative to the
default directory.

not control-v

MandrakeSoft Inc                http://www.mandrakesoft.com
Pasadena, CA USA                                  --Chmouel

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