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Selection won't start

Running zsh -f and loading completion, then using these styles:

  zstyle ':completion:*' completer _oldlist _complete _approximate
  zstyle ':completion:*' max-errors 2 numeric
  zstyle ':completion:*' menu select=5

menu selection doesn't come into effect (with AUTOMENU) until I explicitly
set SELECTMIN, after which it seems to be following the value of SELECTMIN,
not the style.  I also need to load zsh/complist explicitly as well.  It
doesn't seem to be dependent on the order of the initialization (I wouldn't
expect it to be).  I can't see offhand how it's supposed to work, so I
don't know if this is just me getting something wrong.  I tried with both
filename completion and option completion.  I deliberately don't have
list-colors set, but in any case it isn't necessary for SELECTMIN to work.

(I just noticed how incomprehensible to beginners that is.  AUTOMENU is an
option, SELECTMIN is a parameter, list-colors is a style, zsh/complist is a
module... I suppose you just have to be here when it's happening.)

Also, _zmodload is now failing to remove the `.so' from the ends of


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