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Re: PATCH: Re: _arguments questions

I wrote:

> Alexandre Duret-Lutz wrote:
> > >>> "Sven" == Sven Wischnowsky <wischnow@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
> > 
> > ...
> > 
> >  Sven> Because of that (;-) and because it isn't quite the same (but I
> >  Sven> confess, I had the same idea...). Especially, adding this dummy
> >  Sven> element might be useful to combine with both `::' and `:::'.
> > 
> > An helper function ?
> > 
> >   _with_dummy_arg0 () {  #  I'm not good at finding names...
> >        words=(dummy $words)
> >        (( ++CURRENT ))
> >        $@
> >   }
> > 
> >   _arguments -a -b '-c:*::blah: _with_dummy_arg0 _arguments -c -d -e'
> I thought about that, too. And then thought this could easily be put
> in _arguments, i.e. make it just look for a certain prefix in the
> action -- as if there were a function called. I couldn't find another
> use for this dummy-insertion-function...

This does that: if the action starts with `= ' (a equal sign and a
space), these will be removed from the action and the sub-context
(i.e. something like `-c-1') will be inserted as the new first element 
into $words.

No need to do that in _values and _alternative...

Is the syntax weird enough?


Index: Completion/Base/_arguments
RCS file: /cvsroot/zsh/zsh/Completion/Base/_arguments,v
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -r1.2 _arguments
--- Completion/Base/_arguments	2000/04/01 20:43:43	1.2
+++ Completion/Base/_arguments	2000/04/05 12:02:19
@@ -192,6 +192,12 @@
       if [[ -n "$matched" ]] || _requested arguments; then
         _description arguments expl "$descr"
+        if [[ "$action" = \=\ * ]]; then
+          action="$action[3,-1]"
+          words=( "$subc" "$words[@]" )
+	  (( CURRENT++ ))
+        fi
         if [[ "$action" = -\>* ]]; then
           comparguments -W line opt_args
           state="${${action[3,-1]##[ 	]#}%%[ 	]#}"
Index: Doc/Zsh/compsys.yo
RCS file: /cvsroot/zsh/zsh/Doc/Zsh/compsys.yo,v
retrieving revision 1.7
diff -u -r1.7 compsys.yo
--- Doc/Zsh/compsys.yo	2000/04/05 11:07:26	1.7
+++ Doc/Zsh/compsys.yo	2000/04/05 12:02:22
@@ -2497,7 +2497,7 @@
 using tt(_tags) and if the tag is requested, the var(action) is
 executed with the given var(descr) (description). The var(action)s
 supported are those used by the tt(_arguments) function (described
-below), without the `tt(->)var(state)' form.
+below), without the `tt(->)var(state)' and `tt(=)var(...)' forms.
 For example, the var(action) may be a simple function call. With that
 one could do:
@@ -2793,6 +2793,23 @@
 are taken from the array parameter tt(expl) which will be set up
 before executing the var(action) and hence may be used in it (normally 
 in an expansion like `tt($expl[@])').
+If the var(action) starts with `tt(= )' (a equal sign followed by a
+space), tt(_arguments) will insert the contents of the var(argument)
+field of the current context as the new first element in the tt(words) 
+special array and increments the value of the tt(CURRENT) special
+parameter. In other words, it inserts a dummy element in the tt(words) 
+array and makes tt(CURRENT) still point to the word in that array
+where the cursor is. This is only really useful when used with one of
+the forms that make tt(_arguments) modify the tt(words) array to
+contain only some of the words from the line, i.e. one of the argument 
+description forms where the var(message) is preceded by two or three
+colons. For example, when the function called in the action for such
+an argument itself uses tt(_arguments), the dummy element is needed to 
+make that second call to tt(_arguments) use all words from the
+restricted range for argument parsing. Without the inserted dummy
+element, the first word in the range would be taken (by the second
+tt(_arguments)) to be the command name and hence ignored.
 Except for the `tt(->)var(string)' form, the var(action) will be
 executed by calling the tt(_all_labels) function to process all tag labels,

Sven Wischnowsky                         wischnow@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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