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More _zmodload misbehaviour

zmodload now removes the .so suffix again, thanks.

I had a problem completing with . in my path in the Doc directory.  At
first I get a sensible list of modules.  After I type zsh/, however, I get
the list:

Completing module file

because it's looking in the Zsh subdirectory.  Fine, because I have case
insenstive matching, except there aren't any .so files there, and there
certainly are in /usr/local/lib/zsh/3.1.6-dev-21/zsh.  If there's no Zsh
subdirectory it works OK; I get the list of modules I'm expecting.
It seems to be preferring things it shouldn't be.

Peter Stephenson <pws@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Work: pws@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Web: http://www.pwstephenson.fsnet.co.uk

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