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BUG: Matching cause character to be deleted.

Since, I offered to add the example to the documentation,
I was starting to look at the suggested matching specification that
Sven suggested for dealing with anchors between numbers and upper case
letters, so f2 could match file2, and IR2 could match IndianRed2.

I found this bug, which is pruned down.

myprompt@ zsh -f
host% mkdir j
host% touch j/{BW,UWB,W} 
host% bindkey -e; autoload -U compinit; compinit -D
host% zstyle ':completion:*:complete:*' matcher-list 'r:|[A-Z0-9]=*'
host% ls j/W<TAB>  #Tab deletes the W, so the line looks like this:
host% ls j/ 

Though, the matching specification suggested seems to comes pretty close to
what I want, it still has some odd behaviors when handling filenames
that contain upper case words, like ABCdef.  Matching seems to match in the
middle of words, which doesn't quite feel right.

It would nice if it was possible to specify gaps between characters as anchors,
even if it would make it more difficult to understand matching specifications.
(Though, I'm challenged by just writing specifications, I'm not offering to
modify the code. )


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