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Re: PATCH: _history_complete_word

Sven Wischnowsky (wischnow@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) wrote:
> I think _history_complete_word could use the new tag label stuff, too.
> There is something in this function I don't understand:
> There is always one match inserted immediately. That's ok for a
> function like this, but why does _h_c_w then test for
> `$compstate[insert] = menu'?

Peter added that in 8070, giving the reason that without it, h-c-w
`has the unfortunate effect that menu completion is turned off unless
history_stop is set, even if you usually have it on.'

> It means that this is almost unusable without normally using
> menucompletion (one can't cycle through the matches).

My brain aches too much right now to figure this mess out.  I'll come
back to it soon.  I suppose it should be fixed before 3.1.7 though.

> No patch for this, because I'm not completely sure which behaviour is
> desired.

I know what interactive behaviour I desire.  Expressing that in terms
of interactions with $compstate is another matter :-)

Just noticed another new quirk with h-c-w now.  I have:

  zstyle ':completion:*:descriptions' format '%B---- %d%b'
  zstyle ':completion:*:history-words' stop verbose
  zstyle ':completion:*:history-words' remove_all_dups yep
The first time I press M-/ the message `---- history word' appears,
which means that I have to press it twice to get the first match,
which shouldn't really happen unless the `list' style is turned on.
How can this be fixed?

Incidentally, there may still be other outstanding issues with h-c-w
which I've been meaning to look at for ages but now everything's
changed so much, I'm not sure I know whether anything needs doing
about it.  In particular, I'm thinking of what Sven and Bart discussed
in 8336 and 8341.


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