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Completion debugging

The following is a little function to assist with debugging completers and
completion functions.  I put it in the Commands directory even though I
think that directory needs renaming (hmm, renaming to "Widgets" perhaps?).

BTW, is it intentional that the findex entries for the completion widgets
include their keybinding?  I presumed so and fixed _next_tags, but perhaps
it was the rest of them that needed fixing.  (If it's not intentional, it
may even be my own mistake ....)

Index: Completion/Commands/_complete_debug
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+#compdef -k complete-word \C-x?
+setopt localoptions nullglob rcexpandparam extendedglob
+unsetopt markdirs globsubst shwordsplit nounset ksharrays
+(( $+_debug_count )) || integer -g _debug_count
+local tmp=${TMPPREFIX}${$}${words[1]}$[++_debug_count]
+local w="${(qqq)words}"
+[[ -t 2 ]] && exec 3>&2 2>| $tmp
+setopt xtrace
+integer ret=$?
+unsetopt xtrace
+[[ -t 2 ]] || {
+    ## Calling "print -s" during completion is presently broken.
+    # _message -r "Trace output left in $tmp (up-history to view)"
+    # print -sR "${VISUAL:-${EDITOR:-${PAGER:-more}}} $tmp ;: $w"
+    _message -r "Trace output left in $tmp"
+    print -zR "${VISUAL:-${EDITOR:-${PAGER:-more}}} $tmp ;: $w"
+    exec 2>&3 3>&-
+return ret
Index: Doc/Zsh/compsys.yo
@@ -2308,7 +2308,7 @@
 var(N), complete the var(N)th most recently modified file.  Note the
 completion, if any, is always unique.
+findex(_next_tags (^Xn))
 item(tt(_next_tags) (^Xn))(
 This allows to complete types of matches that are not immediately
 offered because of the setting of the tt(tag-order) style. After a
@@ -2354,6 +2354,13 @@
 styles may be used, and, depending on the user's settings, only the
 first sort of styles may be detected by tt(_complete_help).
+findex(_complete_debug (^X?))
+item(tt(_complete_debug (^X?)))(
+This widget performs ordinary completion, but captures in a temporary file
+a trace of the shell commands executed by the completion system.  Each
+completion attempt gets its own file.  A command to view each of these
+files is pushed onto the editor buffer stack.
 texinode(Completion Functions)(Completion Directories)(Bindable Commands)(Completion System)

Bart Schaefer                                 Brass Lantern Enterprises
http://www.well.com/user/barts              http://www.brasslantern.com

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