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_message sometimes doesn't

Using the new _complete_debug widget from 11024:

zagzig[44] find <C-x?>
Trace output left in /tmp/zsh322find1
Completing directory
StartupFiles/  Config/        Test/          Src/                        
Util/          Etc/           Functions/     CVS/                        
Misc/          Doc/           Completion/              
zagzig[44] find -<C-x?>
Completing option
-amin       -false      -ilname     -mmin       -perm       -used     
-anewer     -fls        -iname      -mount      -print      -user     
-atime      -follow     -inum       -mtime      -print0     -version  
-cmin       -fprint     -ipath      -name       -printf     -xdev     
-cnewer     -fprint0    -iregex     -newer      -prune      -xtype    
-ctime      -fprintf    -links      -nogroup    -regex                
-daystart   -fstype     -lname      -noleaf     -size                 
-depth      -gid        -ls         -nouser     -true                 
-empty      -group      -maxdepth   -ok         -type                 
-exec       -help       -mindepth   -path       -uid                  

Where did the "Trace output left in ..." message go, in the second case?
Am I just misunderstanding _message?

Bart Schaefer                                 Brass Lantern Enterprises
http://www.well.com/user/barts              http://www.brasslantern.com

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